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    Thursday, June 11, 2015
pcsx2 news

pcsx2 has updated today with major GSdx progress news, and some other tidbits on its playstation 2 emulator, heres a snipit:

Hello everyone! I know our news updates have been few and far between as of late, but that's going to change starting now! Several really nice new features have been added by GSdx master Gregory lately. He has been working at breakneck pace and making amazing progress. This update will cover those as well as a few notable improvements by some of the other devs and some changes to how we are doing things going forward. The most visible of those changes for you guys is that we will now be writing monthly progress reports! Sometime around the end of each month/beginning of the next we will be posting a news update which covers all the major changes that have taken place during that month. For now, let's take a look at what has been happening in the world of PCSX2 since the last update!

The first and most noticeable changes are a couple of new GSdx hardware hacks – Align sprite and Round sprite. Yes, hacks are generally not the best way to accomplish things in an emulator. However, the problems that these hacks solve were not solvable in any other way. PS2 games were never meant to be upscaled and because of that when we do several problems occur in many games. Some of these problems are unavoidable and require workarounds to fix.

The first one that we will take a look at is the Align sprite hack. For years, anyone who has played certain Namco games in PCSX2 was stuck either using native resolution or using very specific X resolutions, the largest being 1200. The reason was that if you upscaled in any other way you would end up with these nasty black vertical lines in the image. The reasons behind that are complicated, but can be summed up by saying “It's simply the result of how the game engine does things.” However, thanks to Gregory we don't have to deal with this issue any more! Now games like Soul Calibur II and III, Tekken, and Ace Combat can be upscaled as much as you want without issues. Simply enable the Align sprite hack in GSdx hardware hacks and voilà! No more black lines! Games known to be corrected by it include:

Tekken series
Soul Calibur series
Street Fighter
Death by Degrees
Ace Combat series

For the whole article go here.


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