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    Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Citra progress update video

citra has posted a new video of all the progress that has happened recently.

Thanks to the hard work of many developers, Citra has gotten a lot faster and a lot more accurate. We check out several games with the new and improved Vertex Shader JIT and try some new games that just recently started working.

The Vertex Shader JIT is a way to emulate the 3DS Shaders more efficiently than an interpreter, but in a more accurate way than the GLSL shaders, which were unable to emulate some instructions. The Vertex Shader JIT should not affect compatibility in anyway, making it a mostly free speedup.

In general, there have been a ton of GPU fixes developed since the last update. Fire Emblem Awakening requires a lot of them to get in-game, and more to make it look presentable (though, there are still many bugs to work out.) Majora's Mask 3D is close to playable, but hangs upon creating a new game. Ocarina of Time 3D no longer has the lighting glitches in the Vertex Shader JIT; we're working on figuring out why that fixed it. Super Monkey Ball 3D has some menu objects fixed as well.

While A Link Between Worlds shows the intro, it currently crashes. By the time the Vertex Shader JIT is finalized, this crash will likely be fixed.

There should be more exciting updates coming, so stay tuned!

Some of the small screen footage desynced during editing. It shouldn't matter too much, but just noting that we're aware of it!

NOTE: Source footage was recorded on two different computers. As speed varies between computer, it's important to note as a baseline that most of the footage was recorded on a Core i5 3570K processor. Fire Emblem Awakening was recorded on an i5 4670K. Faster processors will run these titles faster, slower ones will run it slower. The footage also takes advantage of unmerged features that are still being reviewed.

Source: youtube

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