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    Saturday, January 21, 2006
Massive GP2X Emulator Round UP

The GP2X Console is the Homebrew and Emulation Console of the moment and the tidal wave of releases keeps on coming, heres the latest releases ive already posted at my GP2X News Site:

Outcast v006 Experimental (AtariST Emulator for GP2X)

Skeezix has updated the Atari ST Emulator for the GP2X:

Heres whats new:

From 005 to 006 here, I've done some crazier things and not had time to test it much, so I need you guys to beet it up before I continue working on things..

ex: I've rewound my FDC (floppy controller) code to an older version that should be more stable .. handles writes and formats better, for instance. (You still can't save the disk image back to SD, I'll add that.. but games that need the drive to work right should work.. so this should get you some great RPGs and such.) I've rewound some of the timer code a bit, which has removed flicker from The Pawn's loader artowkr for instance, so some games should look better too.

I've done some work on the sample-playback problem and I think I know where the issue is (similar to on prior variatoins like on the GP32) .. the ST is giving really low rate sample data, and at 44KHz we blow through it too quick. For this build I've added some lame 'stretching' code to make the sample data last longer before being consumed, and samples do sound much better (but still shite

But mostly I'm wondering.. is this verson as stable as, and more stable, than 005?

AFAIK I've hooked everything back up.

GP2XMess v0.7 (Multi System Emu for GP2X)

Telengard has updated the MESS port to GP2X, heres whats new:

I just added Tandy Color Computer support to gp2xmess.
So this release supports:

Atari 7800
TI 99/4A
Tandy Color Computer

GNGNeo2x v0.6.7b (NeoGeo emulator for GP2X)

Pepone has updated the released of the NeoGeo MVS (cartridge version) emulator for the GP2X, heres whats new:

This Version Includes GUI created by our friend Kounch and ademas has been developed a system of Dummys to save space in the SD.

Download at GP2X News

Thanks to GP32Spain for the news.

Vice 2X Alpha 4 (Multi System Emulator for the GP2X)

Snaff has updated the release of Vice2X the emulator which supports Commodore computers including the c64, c128, Plus 4, PET, CBM-11 and the VIC20 .

Not sure whats new but enjoy the new release ;)

CapriceGP2X v0.01 (Amstrad CPC Emu for GP2X)

KaosOverride has updated the Amstrad CPC emulator Caprice to the GP2X, this release has sound and is much more playable.

Gp2xhandy Released (Atari Lynx Emu for GP2X)

Tuskenraider2k has ported his Atari Lynx emulator to the GP2X, heres the info:

I've ported my complete source code to the gp2x

a little benchmark with chip's challenge:
GP32 (156mhz, frameskip 2, no sound):
GP2X (frameskip 2, no sound):

A lot more games are now playable with sound :-) But not all run in full speed yet.

FCE Ultra GP2X 0.3 (NES emulator for GP2X)

NoName has updated his Nes Emulator for the GP2X, heres whats new:

Changed codebase to FCEU 0.75 (Since it's about 3 times faster internally)
Sound works (although it's quite choppy atm.)
Rewrote the input so that diagonal controls work on the gp2x
Removed the happy hack screen blitting

Phamicom GP2X v0.3 (NES emulator for GP2X)

Madelman has updated the release of a Nes Emulator for the GP2X called Phamicom GP2X heres the info:

Implemented savestates
Switched to PAL mode by default
Deleted some unused code

SquidgeSnes v0.33 (Snes Emulator for GP2X)

Squidge let us know he has released a new version of his SNES emulator for the GP2X. Heres whats new

Made the non-scaled mode a little prettier - it's now centered and you can use a background image
You can now using the L/R buttons to scroll the file selector faster
Filenames are now sorted
Background image for non-scaled mode is in the file 'skin/gamebackground.bmp'. Thanks to HydraLancer for providing the one in the archive.

Damn thats a lotta releases :p


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