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    Friday, January 27, 2006
GP2X Update Featuring PSX, Snes, Amstrad and Master System Emulators

Its time for another update of emulators for the rather awesome GP2X Handheld console, the list continues to swell like mad and with PSX emulation looking good at such an early stage in the life of the console things are looking good for the long term. Heres a round up of GP2X News you have missed.

Heres the emulators:

GP2PSX v0.33 (Playstation Emulator for the GP2X)

ZodTTD has updated his rather excellent Playstation Emulator for the GP2X, heres the latest news from the coder:

Another day, another release...
GP2PSX has been updated to v0.33.

Even though the version number only went up slightly, it's still a fairly good release. Performance, sadly, hasn't gone up much. BUT! Compatibility is WAY up now!

I fixed a bug that made some previously working games not work. This bug made a lot of games not respond to key input as well. So now many more new games are able to work. Every game I threw at it, worked! Street Fighter Alpha 3 worked, Tactics Ogre worked, R Types worked...and so on.

Now that I have this codebase being ported to other platforms, such as the Sharp Zaurus (it runs good on my Z C1000 @ 624MHz), I've been able to get even more feedback. So many optimizations and bug fixes to come.

From the readme: UPDATED January 26th, 2006
New in version v0.33:

Fixed a bug that caused GP2PSX to crash when the game menu's current directory had more than about 15 items. The menu system now scrolls.
Fixed a very irritating bug that caused a bunch of games not to work. If you had a game hang at the loading screen with a previous release, try it again now.
Compatibility is way up.
Fixed a bug that stopped input from being processed in the middle of games.

I'm not sure if a compatibility list is needed, since most games run too slow to be playable. A playable games list might be more appropriate. ;P

GP2PSX is getting there!


Windows 95 On GP2X- Bochs Ported to GP2X Console

Madelman has released a port of Bochs for the GP2X.

Heres the info:

This is a port of Bochs, a PC emulator, for the GP2X. It's quite slow, so it's not really usable, but anyway a nice proof of concept. Everybody knows no console can be famous if it doesn't run Win95.

I've tried running FreeDOS, some old XT games and Win95 and everything works correctly. But mouse is not implemented and neither is keyboard, only a few keys have been mapped to GP2X buttons. Win95 boots in about 6:30 minutes, which is not really bad :)

SquidgeSNES v0.34 SR 1 (Snes emulator for GP2X)

Squidge let us know he has released a new version of his SNES emulator for the GP2X. Heres whats new

This fixes the disappearing sprites and also has some other graphical fixes.

SMSPlus 2x v0.5 (Sega Master System Emulator)

efegea has released a new version of the Sega Master System emulator for the GP2X:

- Now it uses SDL accelerated by hardware, no longer is necessary to overclockear the console so that it goes to a good speed. In addition, it uses double buffer
- Added support for roms of GameGear, with extension gg

No homepage but download here.

CapriceGP2X v0.01c (Amstrad CPC Emu for GP2X)

KaosOverride has updated the Amstrad CPC emulator Caprice to the GP2X, heres the translation of whats new:

Eliminated scr_width, scr_heigh, scr_window and scr_style of the CAP32.cfg (so that? 320x200 full screen and goes that it shoots... no? )
Eliminated of I cosay to 32 source all "drivers" of 24 and bpp
Added parametro -- nosound to deshabilitar audio (Priority on parametro of the CFG) Asi we can have the audio one qualified, but deshabilitar when we want from scrip or the selector of Kounch, without reediting the CFG - DIRTY TRICK to raise framerate... I have obtained with frameskip zero that emu shows the same rate of imagenes that without the sound before. 200Mhz we can play 84% of the speed of the original CPC, and 250-266 mhz the 100% in mayoria of the cases. It depends on the intensive use that matches of the AY (audio chip of the CPC) the AY makes us lose a 12% of the speed... Not to use frameskip greater of 2, because this DIRTY TRICK fight a little with I cosay of frame skip...
Eliminated button START for reset of the CPC (So that? mola to see those yellow letters in blue bottom and despues you not key in anything) and used now to mostrar/quitar info of emu. SELECT continues being worth to leave emu.
Volume + and -, they serve now to fit the volume 8)

Well thats everything caught up on the Emulation front for GP2X but if you want to know more then check out GP2X News, GP32Xtreme and GP32 Spain.


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